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ADHD naturally

Philippa Fibert

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Making life easier

Here you can find out about ADHD, and ways to treat it to help make life easier. 

I have been working with children for many years, as a teacher, therapist and researcher, to see what can be done to make lives easier for children, adults and families.

ADHD can present unique challenges and unique opportunities. I'd like to help you and your child make the very best of having ADHD by offering strategies, natural treatments, and healthy living advice

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What is ADHD?

About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood disorders. It carries on into adulthood, and can vary from mild difficulties to severe problems. 

Children with ADHD may be inattentive (finding it hard to concentrate and follow instructions, which can be a problem at school); hyperactive (fidgety and unable to sit still for long); and impulsive (doing things without stopping to think).

They often find it hard to regulate their emotions, which can be a problem at home, with their friends, and can get them into trouble.

 ADHD is often diagnosed alongside other conditions like autism, tics, anxiety, or conduct disorders.

People with ADHD can also have tummy problems and find it difficult to sleep.

What causes ADHD?

There's no one thing, usually its a combination of things such as:
- if a parent has ADHD, there's a 70% chance of their child having it too
- smoking, drinking, taking drugs, and severe shock during pregnancy have all been shown to increase the chances of the child having ADHD
-  low birth weight, or being induced during birth have been shown to increase the chances of the child having ADHD
- serious family stresses, shocks or illness after birth have also been shown to increase the chances of having ADHD

How to reduce the chance of your child having ADHD

- be as healthy as possible before getting pregnant, and try to have a stress free pregnancy 

- don't drink, smoke, take drugs or medications if you can possibly help it 

- have a natural birth, avoiding being induced even if your baby comes late

- avoid giving medications to your new-born by treating any infections naturally

 - breast feed if you can

- feed your child healthy foods

Consider visiting a homeopath before and during your pregnancy to optimise your health

How to treat ADHD naturally

If your child has ADHD, there are lots of things you can do to make life easier.  Although no one thing is likely to be a magic bullet, you'd be surprised how big the sum total of a variety of different things can be. 

Keep trying - there are things that help, but it may take a few tries to find them.

Look in the treatment section for some suggestions.

Understand it. When you realise that those with ADHD can't help certain things, it can really reduce exasperation.

Be your child's best advocate. This can make children feel so much better about themselves

Try to reduce sweets, fizzy drinks and foods with colouring from their diet 

Consider a natural therapy such as homeopathy, mindfulness or nutritional therapy

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Lost Voices

The STAR Project: making life easier for those with ADHD

We made this show to try and explain what it is like to have and live with ADHD. First we asked families to tell us their stories, then they we put them together in a  performance by rap artist,stunt man and slam poet Nathan Gordon and some of his friends.

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Responses to Lost Voices

Here are a few of the many, many enthusiastic comments we received

"Who is this young man? I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for his genius. Never before have I seen or heard anyone able to express so passionately the day to day life of me and my daughter. I'm sat here sobbing as this resonates everything about our relationship. Thank you for bringing this to people's attention."

" Wow. He really knew his subject didn't he. Very sympathetic to a condition which is widely misinterpreted as being unteachable, trouble and disruptive behaviour. Perhaps having watched this clip people will now have a better understanding of ADHD. For school teachers, particularly, I would say this clip is essential viewing. Good work".

"A perfect explanation of something that can be so hard to understand."

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Homeopathy Testimonials

“It has made a huge difference, not only to their ADHD but to their general health. It’s more than I could ever have hoped for. Within a month we began to see a difference and now, several months into the treatment, my daughter is more organised and can follow instructions. My son’s meltdowns have stopped and he’s able to explain how he feels using words."

David and Cathy's mum

"I went to parents evening last week . Every teacher said he'd calmed down, and noticed a big difference the last couple of months. Everyone is so pleased. The year head says he can't believe it, he's not even on his radar any more."

Connor's mum

“It’s like we’ve got the son he always should have been. The homeopathy has helped with everything - his appetite, his growth, his maturity levels. Before, it was like his mind was racing so much that he couldn’t control himself. Now he can regulate his own moods. I used to worry about him so much. But now I feel he’s going to be OK.”

Ashley's mum

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“Not all those who wander are lost.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

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How can I help?

Support, advice and homeopathic treatment. No judgement, no pressure. I believe you are doing the very best you can in the circumstances. During the first consultation (on-line or face to face), I will try to understand what's going on. Then I will put together some strategies to help make life easier. This will usually include individually tailored homeopathic remedies, and discussion about nutrition and behaviour strategies. 

Follow up consultations are every 6 weeks or so depending on the need.

The Coppins,
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Bucks, HP14 3UX,


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