Everyone with ADHD is different. Some are loud and noisy, others are quiet and withdrawn. So it makes sense to have a treatment tailored to each person. That is exactly what homeopathic treatment is.
The unique aspects of each individual are matched with an appropriate homeopathic remedy. If the match is a good one, then the remedy stimulates the individual towards self-healing. There are thousands of homeopathic remedies to choose from, and homeopaths receive training as to how to best match them to each person. For this reason its important to see a homeopath, and not rely on buying a homeopathic remedy from a pharmacy, as there's a high chance you won't select an appropriate one, in which case nothing will happen.
Homeopathic remedies are made from all kinds of substances, animal, vegetable, mineral and more. They are prepared by being diluted, whilst being sucussed (vigorously shaken). They are considered to be gentle. Side effects are minimal, mild and transient.
Improvements are usually gradual, but once things start improving, there's a good chance they will continue to do so.
Homeopathic treatment can be particularly helpful for emotional issues. For example if your child has meltdowns or temper tantrums, is overly anxious or depressed, an appropriate homeopathic remedy can stop these altogether. This was confirmed in the STAR trial we recently conducted (look in the Projects section for more information).
Homeopaths use different methods, and certain methods are particularly useful for ADHD.
For example, there's a method for when you think your child's ADHD might be related to something you were exposed to whilst you were pregnant, or that your baby was exposed to. Look in the Research section for some published case examples.
Some suggestions to make life easier for ADHD using nutrition
Improving your child's nutrition can make a difference, particularly to their restlessness and inattention. This was confirmed by the findings of the STAR trial (see the Projects section).
Here are some tips from the nutritional therapists who took part in the trial.
Try to reduce sugar intake. Drink water instead of fizzy drinks at mealtimes. Eat fruits for puddings. Use honey or dates as sweeteners.
Make things from scratch. That way you know what goes into them.
Avoid foods and drinks with colourings or monosodium glutimate (MSG) in them. We know that some children with ADHD are particularly sensitive to these.
Some children can be sensitive to gluten and/or dairy, particularly those who also have autism. Consider cutting these out if you think this applies to your child.
Try to eat a bit of protein with every meal, such as meat, nuts, seeds or fish.
Change things slowly, so its not too overwhelming. Start by just making changes to one meal, say breakfast. Involve your child in the cooking. Substitute healthier foods for unhealthy one. For example, if you love sausages, get them from a butcher who can tell you what goes into them.
Supplements can be helpful, but make sure you buy good quality ones. Polyunsatrated Fatty Acids, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, and selenium have all been found to be deficient in children with ADHD, so consider supplementing with these.
Behaviour strategies
Some suggestions to make life easier for ADHD
Understanding ADHD can make a big difference to levels of frustration, realising that children can't help forgetting instructions, and find doing homework really, really hard, for example, can make you more patient with these issues.
When talking to your child, keep it simple: only ask for one thing at a time; make sure you have their full attention; don't get frustrated - they'll stop listening.
Younger children need to get their structure from you, which can be difficult if you're a spontaneous person. Because they can't structure themselves, they can find sudden changes in routines stressful. Teaching your child how to structure their life can be really helpful for when they reach teenage years: using whiteboards, setting phone reminders, above all finding a method that works for them can all be useful.
Children often need structure rather than discipline - there's a difference. Being angry with your child can often be counter productive, leaving both of you upset and resentful. Telling them that you understand how difficult it is, can help open up discussion, rather than being defensive, and hiding their difficulties.
Work out what your child's trigger points are. For example, a child who has a temper tantrum when asked to tidy up, may be reacting to how impossibly chaotic he finds the mess, even if they've created it! Agree a strategy which they can manage. For example, you put the toys into manageable piles, which they then put away.
Make sure they get plenty of exercise.
Teenage years can be really hard, and are even more confusing for those with ADHD than without. Hold onto your hat; keep the communication lines open; get some support for yourself; continue to provide loving, firm structure for your teenager; having a hobby can be helpful, as can having a job.